The Building of Myth
To build a real-life person or animal into astronomical proportions to the point that their very lives are passed around like a folk tale is not an easy task. As seen with athletes such as Babe Ruth, the concept is not far off as the stories surrounding them can build to the likes of Jesus as someone recounts an interaction that changed their life forever. As many attempt to construct the story of their heroes to be God-like, the expectations can also cause their downfall. Two different cases of this myth building escapade comes from Tom Wolfe's article, The Last American Hero , about NASCAR legend, Junior Johnson, and Gary Smith's article, The Chosen One , about Tiger Woods. From Wolfe the legend that is Junior Johnson is one that had helped to popularize stock car racing in the early years. To paint the portrait of Johnson Wolfe states, " In this legend, here is a country boy, Junior Johnson, who learns to drive by running whiskey for his father, Johnson, Senior, one of...