Elden Ring: The Meaty Struggle
For most of January, I finally got around to playing Elden Ring. One of the hottest games of last year that most certainly had lived up to the hype. While the game has fantastic storytelling, world design, and overall exploration. I found myself being at a disadvantage many times due to the playstyle that I go with in FromSoftware games. That style is the good old fashioned, "Big weapon that hits hard while dodging everything" strategy. For most bosses this did not pose an issue because many of the enemies in this game can be taken to task by the colossal weapons. So, my weapon of choice for much of this was Greatsword, the weapon based on Gut's Dragonslayer from Berserk. A mighty weapon that made the Radahn fight very enjoyable for me. Just two people big sword swinging, and I even managed to get a riposte off on him. This lets you know that even the biggest fighters could fall to this strategy. Yet there were a few fights that necessitated the use of back-up weapons or...