The Evil Within: A Mixed Jar of Brain Goo
Recently, I played through both of The Evil Within titles including the DLC for the first game. And in my experience I found the writing of the first game to be lackluster, but filled with interesting set pieces and level design that made me wanting more when it wasn't dragging. So, combat sections really didn't do it for me and there were plenty of rooms that forced you into them. With Sebastian as the main character, it is hard to really discern why he is even a part of this situation. None of the worlds and memories are really his own in this game and it shows because many of the places make no sense. You are simply being transported across the land while killing the horrors of STEM. While Ruben Victoriano is an exceptional villain, Sebastian Castellanos is so not him in that first game in particular. The saving grace of the game comes in the DLC centered around Mobius Agent, Juli Kidman. Since I don't really jive with the plot of The Evil Within base game, I want to fo...