Dark Souls III: Fisting Towards the Dark Soul
I am stupid. But I am victorious. Therefore, I am free. Free of the shackles that I had placed upon myself. The unbearable weight of the Fist weapon only run. And for a game that I had never beaten before, Dark Souls III. Now, you might be wondering why I would do this to myself? This is a fresh playthrough and the initial impression of a game that I am developing as I go through on this perilous journey. So why would I put so much at stake off the rip? I just felt like my time with FromSoftware needed some spice. I started the playthrough in 2022 according to my Trophies on PlayStation. And in my mind, I thought that I had enough game knowledge to overcome every boss in DS3 with my fists. The weapons are very fun to use, and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. For the most part, I was not wrong. That was until I got to the DLC. That is where I would attribute most of my struggles with the game. A roster of bosses and enemies that were cooking me up and do...