Virtue's Last Reward: Too much on the Plate, And Not Enough Time
As per my last posting, I had finished 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. And what do you know, I have now also finished Virtue's Last Reward. The sequel to an almost perfect game. But that is certainly not how I would describe VLR. The game feels like a downgrade in every direction. The writing is bad in nearly every aspect sans one character, they switched to doing the cutscenes in 3D, and I personally felt that the puzzle design was just not nearly as fluid. There are a myriad of issues to be had with this game, and I really think much of that has to do with the production time. Like, I checked the release dates for both games, and the gap was almost two years exactly. With 999 releasing in December of 2009 in Japan, and VLR releasing in February of 2012. That window alone is simply not enough to achieve anything other than a rushed game. Their deadline just didn't have the room for them to develop a sequel to a game like 999. While I did not go into many sp...