Cris Tales: My Game of the Year in 2021

I played many games in 2021, some were amazing experiences and some made me want to tear my hair out. But Cris Tales stood out to me as something special. Seeing this game appear every now and then at games conferences or presentations continued to pique my interest. The concept of manipulating time is one that is hard to spin. Time flows in different directions and the teams at Dreams Uncorporated and Syck understood the assignment. From Narim to Crystallis, the world was filled with palettes, characters, and environments that popped. Leaving me in awe at what I was witnessing when I played it. A game that filled me with immense satisfaction when the credits rolled.

The game begins with Crisbell looking for her missing rose that then leads down a whirling path of adventure, anguish, and triumphant acts. In trying to capture what makes other RPGs (Role-playing games) stand out, they found the groove needed to carve out a game that fulfills the ambitions set forth. It's these ambitions that make me excited to jump back into this universe or simply look forward to these studios have to offer in the future.

Yet why do these things all culminate into a Game of the Year? It is that experience of playing something familiar but with a fresh take. The time mechanic that is ingrained throughout over-world exploration and combat is what separates Cris Tales from the rest of the pack. What this means is that you can see what happens in the past, present, and future with the use of Crisbell's affinity to this Time Crystal. When exploring, the screen is split amongst the time periods, but in combat you must use a separate ability with meter to access them. Figuring out what needs to be done in each time period is crucial to many fights and events throughout the game. When the game leans into these ideas and mechanics, it becomes a home-run every time.

While Cris Tales hits on these well most of the time, there are still instances when the game does falter for some. As the game admires the ways of old JRPGs (Japanese Role-playing games), it shows in how trying to gain levels may seem too tedious or in how the lack of hints may deter people from progressing. To newer players who see this beautiful game and become discouraged by these faults, it is understandable and could be one of the things that Dreams Uncorporated and Syck avoid in future endeavors. One other noticeable knock against the game is definitely the lack of gameplay accessibility options. While this may seem minor to many players, it is not to many that wish to have an easier time with fighting, especially when the focus is on getting more damage through timing based button presses that lack a discernable window on some party members. However, that does not mean the game is not deserved its flowers.

Cris Tales was that special game for me in 2021 that hit all the right notes and managed to surprise me in more ways than I could have hoped for. Thanks to Dreams Uncorporated and Syck for crafting a tale worth remembering.


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