With the recent reveal of Luffy's Devil Fruit Awakening being the Sun God Nika, this now opens up the Mythical Zoan category for more human models. As far as we knew before this, there was only one Human-Human Fruit. This got me thinking that other Devil Fruits, when awakened, can also show their true nature like the Gum-Gum Fruit. There are two fruits that I think could hold similar secrets, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit and Shadow-Shadow Fruit.
The Rumble-Rumble Fruit, owned by Enel, has the potential to awaken into the Japanese Thunder God Raijin. The biggest thing to note from this are the drums that are already incorporated into the characters design. Not to mention Enel also thinks and has played god himself in the series. The transition for Enel to return to the series more powerful than ever and challenge Luffy once again seems to have some groundwork already laid down. While the Rumble-Rumble Fruit has visible Godly connections, the Shadow-Shadow Fruit may need a tad more convincing to the audience.

The Shadow-Shadow Fruit, owned by Gecko Moria, has a couple different paths in the awakening process that I can think of off the top of my head. The obvious one being Hades as the more notable ruler over the underworld. The fruit is largely tied to the utilization of the undead to build an army, while being powered by the shadows of living beings. With how important this fruit is and the idea that Moria will be killed or employed by the Yonko, Blackbeard. The idea that this god-like ability can come back in the same vein as the Rumble-Rumble-Fruit that I mentioned earlier. Aside from the prospect of Hades, I could see Tartarus, who ruled over the underworld prior to Hades and is the namesake for it in Greek Mythology, seems possible given the nature of the God. The other God that comes to mind is Nyx, Goddess of the Night, which could also work for Blackbeard's Dark-Dark Fruit. Seeing as how Nyx was one of the more feared Gods in Greek Mythology and the ties that shadows have to darkness, makes this just as viable as the others.

With how unpredictable the story of One Piece is, I'm sure Oda will find a completely wild Devil Fruit to make into another God. Seeing as Nika in name is an original One Piece God, the name is going to differ slightly but based on existing mythologies. We will see in the coming months or years what other mysteries the world of One Piece has to offer.
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