Awesome Games Done Quick 2024: Speeding on Through

 It is time play to games fast once again. Awesome Games Done Quick is currently underway and there have already been some entertaining runs. Jet Set Radio Future Any% (Xbox) ran by Yomsa with 7thace and Twinkachu on commentary showcased some really sick movement and a secret boss that was only discovered in the past couple of years. The Cult Classic Horror game Clock Tower (Super Famicom) S Ending was ran by Ecdycis and portrayed a great use of Text Box and Item manipulation that allowed for many long sequences to be bypassed while getting the game's coveted secret ending. Not to mention the treat that was the Glitched D ending incentive that was utilizing the same tech in order to beat the game in under three minutes while showing how you can save all your friends in the process. 

Awesome Games Done Quick Logo.
These are just two of the many runs that have already gone on through the first day and part of the second day. And that train is not gonna stop for the rest of the week either. While I love doing recaps of these events, I don't get that affordance many times. Missing any runs that I am looking forward to sucks, but there are always the VODs from the Games Done Quick YouTube channel that soothe the pain. Like I have been doing with the past so many events ran by GDQ, I want to highlight some runs that I think are going to be cool to watch, while also offering some variety. 

The first run that I am looking forward to is Bayonetta (PC) New Game Normal, that is being ran by Reclaimer with Kap on commentary. The game is scheduled for 12:30 A.M. (CST) on Tuesday January, 16. A late night gem for a really good action title from Platinum Games. Bayonetta is a series that I really like, so getting to see one of them being ran is always a treat for me. The game's high octane action is for sure going to be taken to task as Action game runners are ridiculous. Truly a different breed of speedrunner. They remind me of how insane Kaizo runners are for platformers. So, I expect some phenomenal technical skill to be put on display. 

Bayonetta Cover (Xbox 360). Bayo rules.
My second pick is going to be DOOM (2016) (PC) 100% Nightmare being ran by Raitro_ with Hugo Martin and Meta on commentary. An FPS with constant movement and little to no room for error, sign me up. DOOM runs are a classic and they never cease to amaze me. The games are known for their punishing difficulty, which is what makes the speedruns for them so enthralling. The only way they could drive up the intensity would be to bump the game to Ultra Nightmare. Regardless, this is going to be a game that you don't want to miss. The game is scheduled for 10:10 P.M. (CST) on Wednesday January, 17.

DOOM (2016) Cover. DOOM Guy is just ripping and tearing.
My third pick is going to be Pseudoregalia (PC) Any% being ran by Jaxler with CorundumCore on commentary. A 3D platformer from Indie Developer rittzler. I don't know too much about the game, but I have seen others play it and the game is very unique with its approach to the genre while having its clear influences. And I expect Jaxler to knock it out of the park. A great runner who tends to play some rather obscure but charming titles. So, I am interested to see how this game gets busted open. The game is scheduled for 6:10 A.M. (CST) on Thursday January, 18. 

Pseudoregalia Cover. More epic than I was imagining.
My last pick is for Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4) Any% that is being ran by Raine_BT with Bastion_Blue_Succubus and Singing Muffin on commentary. Why am I excited about this game? Because Gravity Rush is an astounding game and one of my favorite Playstation titles. There isn't anything like it. The gravity shifting mechanic is so cool and well done that other games just pale in comparison. A true gem that deserves more games because of how phenomenal the series is. And if someone is going to speedrun this game, then I want to see it. A true perfect game, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The game is scheduled for 5:30 A.M. (CST) on Friday January, 19. 

Gravity Rush Remastered Cover. Kat is so cute.
It looks like I managed to pick all action, but oh well. The games are unique enough from each other that there is some variety. What I like about these selections is that they are good games casually, so it's hard to imagine them being any less in a speedrun. Not to mention that most of these games are relatively under-looked and deserve more eyes on them, especially Gravity Rush and Pseudoregalia. Showcasing great and not so great games is what GDQ is all about and why I love watching the events multiple times a year. Raising money while great games and people are on-screen is nothing short of amazing. Fuck Cancer and Free Palestine. 


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