
Showing posts from January, 2025

Resident Evil: Fix the Camera Perspective

 At this point, it's well documented that I love Horror games. And recently I have been playing through some Resident Evil titles. So far on my journey, I have gone through RE1 Remake, RE2 Remake, and RE3 Remake. Those are the completions thus far, with RE: Code Veronica being my current playthrough at the moment. I think that all of these games bring something unique and fun to the table, but what I really want RE to come back around on is the Fixed Camera.  I don't mind if they bring back Tank Controls because I can do with or without them. However, I think that having a classic styled RE game like how Prince of Persia recently came out with a 2D sidescroller or how Mario and Sonic still utilize 2D gameplay alongside their modern 3D stuff can still be fulfilling. So, I think that RE1R makes a powerful case for going back to the Fixed Camera.  There are a number of elements that play into this train of thought for me. The first being that second word, perspective. Perspe...

Perfect Blue: See, I'm Real

 I want to start this off by saying, RIP to David Lynch. A Master of Horror, who's influence is seen at so many levels of media. Without people like him, we don't get many of the movies, shows, or games that we do. But the reason I am here, is for Perfect Blue.  An incredible and uncomfortable film that was made by Satoshi Kon and the talented team at Madhouse. Prior to my first watch, I really didn't know much about the movie. And I think that is important. Because my only frame of reference was that the main character, Mima, was an idol and being stalked. But what I experienced was much more harrowing.  Perfect Blue goes on the shelf as one of those movies that makes even the most steeled individuals uncomfortable. I say this because I am one of those individuals. I can watch and play most Horror media without being phased. I grew up on stuff like Friday the 13th. Gore is not going to deter me from anything. But there comes a time when even I get tripped up. While there...