Resident Evil: Fix the Camera Perspective
At this point, it's well documented that I love Horror games. And recently I have been playing through some Resident Evil titles. So far on my journey, I have gone through RE1 Remake, RE2 Remake, and RE3 Remake. Those are the completions thus far, with RE: Code Veronica being my current playthrough at the moment. I think that all of these games bring something unique and fun to the table, but what I really want RE to come back around on is the Fixed Camera. I don't mind if they bring back Tank Controls because I can do with or without them. However, I think that having a classic styled RE game like how Prince of Persia recently came out with a 2D sidescroller or how Mario and Sonic still utilize 2D gameplay alongside their modern 3D stuff can still be fulfilling. So, I think that RE1R makes a powerful case for going back to the Fixed Camera. There are a number of elements that play into this train of thought for me. The first being that second word, perspective. Perspe...