Resident Evil: Fix the Camera Perspective
At this point, it's well documented that I love Horror games. And recently I have been playing through some Resident Evil titles. So far on my journey, I have gone through RE1 Remake, RE2 Remake, and RE3 Remake. Those are the completions thus far, with RE: Code Veronica being my current playthrough at the moment. I think that all of these games bring something unique and fun to the table, but what I really want RE to come back around on is the Fixed Camera.
I don't mind if they bring back Tank Controls because I can do with or without them. However, I think that having a classic styled RE game like how Prince of Persia recently came out with a 2D sidescroller or how Mario and Sonic still utilize 2D gameplay alongside their modern 3D stuff can still be fulfilling. So, I think that RE1R makes a powerful case for going back to the Fixed Camera.There are a number of elements that play into this train of thought for me. The first being that second word, perspective. Perspective is one of the most important aspects in Horror whether you notice it or not. Being able to perceive danger before you are supposed to can dull the tension. So, games like RE2R and RE3R with their over-the-shoulder camera can have some unintentional effects. That is not to say I did not shit my pants a few times while playing them, but that there was less shit in comparison.
In RE2R, you mostly have Mr. X as your main source of fear. As a Clock Tower fan, this is one of my favorite ways to implement a consistent enemy engagement with the player. There's a lot of mileage to be gained with the Stalker enemy variant. Yet, Mr. X is not there as much as you'd want. And on subsequent playthroughs he becomes extremely easy to bypass. Like, the Lickers are probably the most terrifying enemy to deal with. And that is due in part to that full-screen torpedo move. It reminds me of the Hunter's instant-kill move in RE1R and RE3R.Ultimately, RE2R is more about the spectacle than trying to scare the player at every turn. And RE3R does this as well. But I just like Jill and Carlos more. Realistically, I think that between RE2R and RE3R, the development team found a sweet spot for an otherwise unforeseen issue. That issue being spacing. So, RE3R bypasses this by implementing the dodge mechanic, while RE2R is not as fortunate.
While this may seem like an overall game issue. I think that this issue ties into the camera perspective between the games. When you take RE1 Remake and compare it to RE2 Remake, there are some key elements that RE2R neglects. The big one being spacing, and the other being damage. Specifically, I am talking about the pistol against a standard zombie. RE1R was fairly consistent and never went above a full clip. Yet, I was always getting some really inconsistent numbers across the board with RE2R's pistol.This problem was more for Leon than Claire because for whatever reason his guns were ass. With the skinny walkways and massive grab ranges in RE2R. It felt like combat was more forced than on a case by case basis as in RE1R. So, you cannot simply do some nifty dodging, you have to wait them out, kill them, or waste a bullet on them and run. And that's just how it is.
But to get back to the point of how the camera affects things. The fear in RE2R and RE3R stems from seeing the horrors head-on. With the occasional jump-scare here and there. They want to flex the visuals in these games. That makes sense to me, but the balancing act that RE1R displays is mesmerizing. All of the same feelings are evoked, yet you get the added caveat of having more unknowns.That's what I like in my Horror. I don't need to have everything in view. I can get an understanding with audio queues or by getting jumped. Which is very funny in my opinion. RE1R is full of moments like this, especially when Crimson Heads and Hunters get involved. You can't get the same feeling of coming out into a hallway and having a dude sprint at mach speed at you like they do in RE1R.
At the end of the day, I want more Fixed Camera games in general. But I think that Capcom should be the one to lead the way for the big franchises. I think that there is an audience for it, and it would definitely be better for RE than doing multiplayer titles. Or make more Jill games, that's what I'm here for. No Leon, no Chris, only Jill. And sometimes Claire.And remember to Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, Free Venezuela and to Free Lebanon from the onslaught of their oppressors. Never stop talking about them. They think that we don't care, but we see everything. Never forget that. They are trying to suppress our voices because they matter, remember that. There may have been a ceasefire in Gaza, but Palestine still needs to be completely free.
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